Amanda and Jennifer...I have been following along and am so proud that even though the twitching seems uncomfortable, you're sticking with it and working hard to make it work for you! I hope that those nerves calm down soon and things get better and easier for you! ((hugs))
whoa i can see that twitchng pretty bad, maybe you can try asking audiologist to put on different program I heard theres different sound strategies like Abbie, she had something and it was causing her eye twitching so she tried different one and it stopped. Try that or do individual beep to find which electrode thats causing the eye twitch if all 16 electrodes then try different strategies until find something that's more comfortable. or change the pulse.
here I found piece of sentence Abbie said in her blog. "HiRes-P Fidelity 120 and they changed that to HiRes-S Fidelity 120 and widened the pulse width. HiRes-P was stimulating two electrodes at once, HiRes-S is stimulating one electrode at a time"
Jennifer & Amanda, I sure hope upcoming mappings will help with the eye twitching and with hearing more sounds. It's probably difficult to get the volume where Amanda needs it with the eye twitching going on. I'm glad Amanda seems in good spirits though and is not letting it get her down. She is a trooper!
Thanks, Janet. We should know more Friday after Amanda's mapping. I've been sharing other activations with her and she's happy for you, Deb and now today with Wendi's positive start. She sure would like to hear something rather than feel it through twitching. She can identify with David's disappointment today.
Hopefully David and Amanda will have good things to report soon!
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I am stepmother to 15 year-old Amanda. We met when I was her teacher when she 3. She was my student in a class of deaf preschoolers using ASL.
She had been wanting a cochlear implant since she was 10. She finally received a CI, July 14, 2008 at the age of 13 and was activated August 12, 2008 at the age of 14. She is currently hoping to become bilateral and we are working on that process.
Follow Amanda's CI Journey by reading, looking at photos and watching captioned video clips.
Thanks for stopping by!
Amanda and Jennifer...I have been following along and am so proud that even though the twitching seems uncomfortable, you're sticking with it and working hard to make it work for you! I hope that those nerves calm down soon and things get better and easier for you! ((hugs))
Thanks, Jennifer. Here's to calm all senses!
Hugs back to you.
Jennifer and Amanda
whoa i can see that twitchng pretty bad, maybe you can try asking audiologist to put on different program I heard theres different sound strategies like Abbie, she had something and it was causing her eye twitching so she tried different one and it stopped. Try that or do individual beep to find which electrode thats causing the eye twitch if all 16 electrodes then try different strategies until find something that's more comfortable. or change the pulse.
here I found piece of sentence Abbie said in her blog. "HiRes-P Fidelity 120 and they changed that to HiRes-S Fidelity 120 and widened the pulse width. HiRes-P was stimulating two electrodes at once, HiRes-S is stimulating one electrode at a time"
Amy, Yeah, it's pretty evident, huh?
During our upcoming Friday mapping we will be discussing all of these strategies and hopefully figure out how to stop this incessant twitching.
Thank you for your suggestions.
Jennifer & Amanda, I sure hope upcoming mappings will help with the eye twitching and with hearing more sounds. It's probably difficult to get the volume where Amanda needs it with the eye twitching going on. I'm glad Amanda seems in good spirits though and is not letting it get her down. She is a trooper!
Thanks, Janet. We should know more Friday after Amanda's mapping. I've been sharing other activations with her and she's happy for you, Deb and now today with Wendi's positive start. She sure would like to hear something rather than feel it through twitching. She can identify with David's disappointment today.
Hopefully David and Amanda will have good things to report soon!
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